Jeff Waugh wrote:


The discussion we've had so far went like this:

* Please don't use that term, it's inappropriate
* It is not inappropriate
some why's given from the postings, as I can summarise them:

1. RTFM was used in the appropriate context. The target person
   appears to me seasoned Linux/Unix user. (Ref slug-archives)
   Reference to  was posted.
2. USENET accepted it even before Linux and still accepts it.
   Linux inherits the traditions and legacies of USENET.
3.  Technical and professional groups use it.
4.  At no time did the poster made any abusive language.
5.  Wikipedia and over 5million articles say RTFM is OK.
6.  Other people on this list don't mind RTM.
7. Linux is GPL and SLUG promotes Linux (and all ideals that it stands for).
7. Linux is promoting open and unhindered discussions
   including the use of validated and accepted tools over
   the years. RTFM is validated and accepted tool originally
   used in USENET and other lists services.

* Yes, it is, and here's why: [...]
1. RTFM word itself is rude.
2. Because J. Waugh speaks for others
3. On this list RTFM is ugly.
4. Slug Committee sides with J. Waugh
5. Other people on this list don't like RTFM.
6.  Three posters made abusive language.

* <meltdown>

This isn't censorship. There haven't been (many) personal attacks until much
later in the thread. This isn't fascism.
Fascism is controlling what should groups of people (as against individuals)
do, think, behave, say, etc by individuals and it followers. Originally, surfaced
in Italy under the infamous Benito Mussolini. Then it also surfaced in Nazi
Germany but I don't know (I don't read history too much) who imitated or
copied from whom.

If people can't accept behavioural
standards in a group like this (especially after arguing about it and having
to hear other people supporting it), perhaps they should find another group.
Behavioural standards are developed over many years. RTFM had a rough
time but this is in the past. As pointed out RTFM has become an accepted tool
not only in the original USENET groups but it is now used by technical and
professional groups including other list groups that are truly open and
freedom loving. I sometimes here people say the word RTFM in functions
and gatherings of the non-technical nature. This shows that we continously
evolve as social beings and not rigid minded societies.

The behavioural standards favoured by GPL loving people is much toward
the open, accepting of diverse attitudes and opinions, tolerant, and not
hindering and restricting especially when the point under discussion is a
validated and accepted tool of the trades.

If you are not one of them, you are just a pretend GPL loving person.

O Plameras

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