On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 17:15 +1000, Alan Harper wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 13:02 +1000, Peter Miller wrote:
> > On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 12:36 +1000, Graham Smith wrote:
> > > You can download it from here
> > > http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html
> > 
> > Totally borked.  Segfaults immediately for me on Dapper.  Only the
> > crashdump functionality works - and even that's half broken: it can't
> > actually *send* any of them (crashes too soon).
> I'm running dapper amd64, it loads, but there are bits of black and
> wrong parts of the map all over the place. I can see the outline of
> countires, and dots where large cities are, but its a mess, and I
> couldn't find where to submit a bug report. Damn shame, really like
> google earth!
Its probably because you are running 64bit. I could be completely wrong
here, but I am guessing that google has done exactly the same with GE as
they did with Picasa, in that rather than making a Linux port, they are
using a small customised version of wine that the program uses to run.
So basically it is just the Windows version customised to be more wine
friendly and then all wrapped up in sheeps clothing to appear to be a
linux app. And the last time I looked wine was not a good option on
64bit distros.


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