On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 06:37:00PM +1000, Visser, Martin wrote:


> Even easier, might be get basically any Windows loaded hard drive, stick
> it in a USB hard drive case and boot from that (assuming your model

I have a selection of USB hard drive adapters (who needs a case :-) so
I'll see what I can get hold of at work tomorrow.  I'm sure I'll be able
to get hold of a drive for the few minutes it'll take to flash the BIOS.

I'll probably still have a go at building a bootable Windows CD in case
I ever need one again.

> Even if the hardware such as video is substantially different you should
> at least be able to get it to boot into "safe mode." (Ugly I know).

Appearance is unimportant, I only want to do one thing then I'll go back
to Linux  :-)


In my cats case, if they're well fed, it just means they have more time to
play with the little squeaking feathery/furry things that they find and bring
home.  It's probably more humane on the wildlife to starve the buggers.
            -- Iain Rae
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