This one time, at band camp, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> Most "normals" I know don't like my laptop because the screen is too small.
> They want 14" or more, basically as a portable desktop replacement. I don't
> know too many "normals" who like ultra-portables.

Yes but that's like going to your accounting department, who use paper 
ledgers, and asking them how they'd like the replacement computer 
software to work.  They'll explain exactly how the paper system works, 
and get you to implement that in software.

I think this device, at this price point, defines a new genre.  
Something that, due to the price, justifies the limitations.

I want one.  Now to work on SWMBO...

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Tourist Engineer
Because geeks travel too.

 "Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until
  you can find a rock."
- Will Rogers
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