On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <quote who="Rev Simon Rumble">
> > I think you overestimate what most people need.  To do word processing,
> > email and web browsing, you really don't need that much.  Though I agree,
> > they could fit a 10" screen in -- and probably will.
> Most "normals" I know don't like my laptop because the screen is too small.
> They want 14" or more, basically as a portable desktop replacement. I don't
> know too many "normals" who like ultra-portables.

I think people just need time to adjust to it. As a user of a 17-inch 
(1920x1200) laptop, your laptop looked positively tiny to me the first time I 
saw it. After a couple of minutes, it looked much more inviting, and the 
portability is divine.

Obviously the eeePC is not for everyone. No product is. But its sales figures 
have shown that there is clearly a niche in the market for it.

"And above all society needs to encourage the spirit of voluntary co-operation 
in its citizens. When software owners tell us that helping our neighbours in 
a natural way is 'piracy', they pollute our society's civic spirit." - 
Richard M. Stallman

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