GDM has autologin, even with passwords. just configure it in gdm configuration.

you can just make grub have a very short time, or install lilo.


david wrote:
I have an 86 year old Mother in law who has never used a computer.

I want to give her an old laptop to play solitaire etc on while she is
in an extended hospital stay. She has no idea how to anything and has
trouble with mobile phones, much less Ubuntu, so I'm trying to remove as
many impediments as possible.

Is there any way to log her in without going through the login screen?
How do I bypass the grub login options?

I have set up so that no password is required, (U6aMy0wojraho in the
encrypted shadow password does this job) but it would be better if the
screen was avoided completely.

Security is NOT an issue. She has perfect security, ie, a closed room
with no wires. I know I could give her Windows, but I think Ubuntu will
be easier because I can give her advice. I don't know how to run
Windows ;-)

Any suggestions appreciated.

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