
You know, actually, when I opened the link and navigated to the cartoons section... it did make me extremely angry... because it contains a lot of insults that get thrown at us by government... ie australian industry being mediocre and so forth... it is rather condescending.. i found anyway..

So don't take anything I said too personally just as I don't take the offensive material on your website personally either.

The realities of what we produce is more upbeat..

Don't know if you saw TopGear on SBS last night... it was a cracker episode...

What they did was to compare the Australian built (but American owned) SV8 (commodore) now sold in britain to a selection of German cars at the same price.

Turns out what we make here ate all the German cars for dinner....

To me, that was an absolutely fantastic - and perfectly realistic assessment.

What a lot of people in our own Government don't realise is the standards of workmanship in Australia have risen so dramatically in the last 50 years that we are now pumping out some pretty incredible stuff. Like cars that can stand a side by test with the best the Germans do.

In Linux, Tridge produces Samba. Which basically powers all the non-windows file servers of the western world....

Nobody rates that as mediocre....

Not everything in Germany is as rosy as it may seem. It is a big economy and lots of things are happening.

Actually, there is no better country to go to to learn about innovation commercialisation and distribution..

If I was in government.. I'd be making sure a lot more Australians got there and learnt from the way things are set up there...

no - I didn't say octoberfest...

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