I need to understand X authorization so if anybody can explain to a bear of 
little brain :-)

Once-upon-a-time xhost + would allow anybody to write to your display.
That is no longer true

I have some thin clients (ltsp) running off a server. I actually *really* need 
to write to the display (as opposed to sending a message ie jabber to to user) 
"This POS is not in operation"

I cannot see how xauth would help: The POS daemon program disables 
terminal say, um 17 and puts a message on terminal 17 "Disabled etc" but 
neither it (The POS daemon) or the user associated with it are running a 
display and may not even be the same server as the LTSP server.

So my basic problem: I need to put a message (say with xmessage) on a 
ThinClient DISPLAY whether-or-not that terminal is logged in, and I can't 
understand the relevant man pages / howtos.

I tried asking the ltsp forums and got nervous evasion. Anybody here know?

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