On Saturday 06 September 2008 09:44:12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I need to understand X authorization so if anybody can explain to a
> > bear of little brain :-)
> >
> > Once-upon-a-time xhost + would allow anybody to write to your display.
> > That is no longer true
> What makes you think that?  There have been some changes to X security
> over the years, but the fundamental mechanisms are still in place...

saturn is a CentOS 5 machine:

[eeyore] /home/jam [53]% ssh -X saturn xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
[eeyore] /home/jam [54]% export DISPLAY=saturn:0 && xmessage hello world
Error: Can't open display: saturn:0

> So, presumably you have tested this and found that it doesn't work.  How
> did you test, and what was the error you encountered?

All the stuff that DOES work on a RedHat 9 system tried and does NOT work here

> > I have some thin clients (ltsp) running off a server. I actually
> > *really* need to write to the display (as opposed to sending a message
> > ie jabber to to user) eg
> Are you absolutely, positively sure that you want to allow anyone to
> connect to the display?  This is a security nightmare, as anyone allowed
> to connect can also capture and forge *all* keyboard and mouse input.

This in a typical hungry jacks store: private lan and *nothing* but the POS 
and manager machines present. I'm not adverse to being more clever, I just 
inherited a real not-nice setup and am trying to clean up the mess.
> > "This POS is not in operation"
> >
> > I cannot see how xauth would help: The POS daemon program disables
> > terminal say, um 17 and puts a message on terminal 17 "Disabled etc" but
> > neither it (The POS daemon) or the user associated with it are running a
> > display and may not even be the same server as the LTSP server.
> xauth is responsible for managing the (marginally) more secure
> authentication mechanisms for X connections -- you don't actually /need/
> a display to use it effectively on an X client.

More RTBM (the bloody manual) :-)
I understood using xauth to get the .Xauthority from one machine and import to 

> For example, ssh X forwarding uses xauth to allow X software to run on a
> remote machine and display relatively securely on the local client.
> Now, you do have a problem:
> > So my basic problem: I need to put a message (say with xmessage) on a
> > ThinClient DISPLAY whether-or-not that terminal is logged in, and I
> > can't understand the relevant man pages / howtos.
> Getting access while a session is logged in isn't that dire: you need to
> arrange for your message source to have access to an X connection to the
> appropriate LTSP machine.
> That means either host-based trust (xhost +message-source.local) or a
> more secure authentication mechanism (xauth with an appropriate key.)
> You might want to generate the appropriate MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data and
> arrange for your message source to have access to it, if security is a
> concern.
> While the login session is active, though, you have a bigger problem:
> you will need to do work on your login manager to achieve the same
> results.  
> For the standard xdm, gdm or kdm system this isn't too dire -- all of
> them run scripts, as root, to perform session setup before displaying
> the chooser or login panel, and you should be able to use that to
> achieve the same result.
> For a more custom display manager, which I understand LTSP to use, you
> will need to do something more clever.
> > I tried asking the ltsp forums and got nervous evasion. Anybody here
> > know?
> I can't say I am surprised, since this is actually reasonably
> challenging in many ways; the security architecture, and the trade-offs
> in security make this a difficult approach.
> Perhaps you might find another approach effective: can you have the POS
> software manage authentication, and be able to display the "not in use"
> banner?
> That would make one bit of software responsible for all of this, which
> would make it a lot easier to manage.
> Alternately, can you SSH to the machine as the logged in user (or root),
> then run the message software locally?

Daniel that was most informative and helped me lots. Thank you.

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