The first thing that comes to my mind is make sure that both offices
have the same ISP, or (this is a good guess) you are in trouble
with lag (or am I mistaken here?).


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 07:21:32AM +1100, Ben Donohue ( 
> Hi all,
> (this is a bit like an ask Slashdot... maybe we can have an "ask SLUG")
> my work is looking at rationalizing phone/mobile usage with possibly 
> VOIP between offices. I've suggested setting up Linux boxes and using 
> Asterix.
> As usual FOSS is a bit unknown to the higher ups and they are also 
> looking to external suppliers.
> Just a general question/thread on what have others done to get down the 
> phone bills of...
> inter-office calls
> calls to and from mobiles
> conferencing (mainly inter-office Australia/NZ and many Asian offices)
> Blackberry/Windows Mobile
> Idea's on how others have used Linux and FOSS applications to solve this 
> problem.
> Anyone do this for a living? (perhaps come in or give an intro on what 
> you can do for us?)
> Thanks,
> Ben
> -- 
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