Thanks for that, I'll give it a go on the next upgrade I do.

But going back to the second part of my question, how would a non-technical user do it?

For example, here's a hypothetical use case for a 3rd world country I've worked in:

"Juan-Carlos has been using Ubuntu for 12 months, and now wants to upgrade because he's heard that Network Manager will solve some networking issues he's having. He is currently sharing an expensive satellite link with several neighbours, and downloading 1G of files to upgrade is out of the question. He travels by bus into the district capital, and downloads and burns the next Ubuntu iso at an internet cafe. Upon getting home, he tries to upgrade using the CD but none of the menu items cause the files on the CD to be used. In disgust, he let's his neighbour reinstall a pirate copy of Window$ XP SP2 and solves his network problems".

(It's Guatemala, and "privatise everything" has done wonders for the cost of utilities).

Sonia Hamilton.

Blindraven wrote:
2 Ways you can do that :

 Mount the ISO as a drive with a command like: sudo mount -o loop
~/Desktop/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom0


gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"



On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Sonia Hamilton <> wrote:
Last night I was trying to upgrade some Ubuntu machines using the Ubuntu CDs 
(rather than downloading all the packages), in order to save bandwidth. I 
couldn't get the upgrade to download packages off the CD; in the end I did 
clean installs - no big deal since /home was separate.

I'm just wondering how you're supposed to do it, and more importantly, how a 
newbie would be supposed to do it.

I tried doing it the GUI way - adding the CD via "Software Sources", then upgrading via 
"Update Manager"

I tried doing it via the shell - various combinations of `apt cd-rom add`, 
`apt-get update`, `apt-get upgrade`, `apt-get dist-upgrade`, editing 

The only thing I can think of is that I was using the Live CDs - should I have 
used the Alternate CDs instead?

Sonia Hamilton.

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