<quote who="Jeff Waugh">

> <quote who="Sonia Hamilton">
> > Last night I was trying to upgrade some Ubuntu machines using the Ubuntu
> > CDs (rather than downloading all the packages), in order to save
> > bandwidth. I couldn't get the upgrade to download packages off the CD;
> > in the end I did clean installs - no big deal since /home was separate.
> >
> > I'm just wondering how you're supposed to do it, and more importantly,
> > how a newbie would be supposed to do it.
> 8< ... snip ... 8<
> > The only thing I can think of is that I was using the Live CDs - should
> > I have used the Alternate CDs instead?
> Yes, stick an alternate CD in the drive and a dialogue will pop up asking
> if you'd like to use it as a source (and then upgrade).

Salient point that I managed to skip: The alternate CD has packages on it,
while the Live CD is just a great big compressed image of a filesystem... so
it won't help with upgrades at all (yet [1]).

- Jeff

[1] Years ago there was some inspired brainstorming about ways to do this
very cleverly, but I don't imagine it's on the agenda at the moment. Net
connected upgrades are just so bloody convenient and simple (and ALL of the
developers have fantastic net connections, of course).

linux.conf.au 2010: Wellington, NZ       http://www.penguinsvisiting.org.nz/
      "It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The
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      it can be a nuisance when I am in a hurry." - Stephen Hawking on
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