Thanks for replying.

nc in your command simply replaces ssh,  so I think this is the same
thing.   I am not using nfs, I cannot mount anything so it is raw, going
logical volume to logical volume.  They are slightly different sizes,
hope that will not kill anything.

The server that is being copied originally had an LVM so there is no
obvious conflict here.    I don't care whether it is fast,   it is a
recovery operation not a prime server.


On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 21:10 +1000, Tony Sceats wrote:
> I'm actually not sure I'm reading this right, but I don't think you
> want to dd to an NFS share? Maybe you meant "XFS should match
> correctly?" 
> If you're trying to do it over a network, I would have thought you'd
> have more luck by piping dd through an nc connection, then dd back to
> a disk on the target
> ie,
> on old server : dd  if=/dev/vg1/lv1  conv=noerror,sync | nc NEWSERVER
> on new server: nc -l PORT | dd of=/dev/vg/lv01
> Also I'm not sure how the LVM is going to interact because I don't
> tend to use LVM on my production servers with XFS
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 7:14 PM, Ken Foskey <> wrote:
>         I have a very large xfs file system that is corrupt and there
>         is an IO
>         error in the middle of the file system, xfs_repair crashes.  A
>         bit of
>         reading and I have a solution,  just thought I would put it
>         out there in
>         case I have forgotten something.
>         Booting xeon server with 32 bit Ubuntu live CD.   All the hard
>         disks on
>         new server in LVM giving me 3.76 TB.  I am copying 3.3TB from
>         the other
>         server.
>         First I need to grab a copy of the data across the network,
>          from my new
>         server I access the old server:
>         ssh r...@server 'dd  if=/dev/vg1/lv1  conv=noerror,sync' | dd
>         of=/dev/vg/lv01
>         next I simply repair it
>         xfs_repair  /dev/vg/lv01
>         Mount it.  I figure this bit is easy by my reading, Ubuntu
>         handles xfs
>         out of the box (read only so that it cannot be used as a
>         proper server)
>         I am reading from a 32 bit server and booting a Xeon server
>         with 32 bit
>         live CD.  This means the NFS should match correctly.
>         Is the above basically correct?   Is there any hints that I
>         might need.
>         Ta
>         Ken
>         --
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