Hi Sluggers,

I've just been given a Dell Precision 360 Box (too slow for windows apparently) with an Nvidia card that supports Dual screen. A Quadro NVS 280 SD, it says.

I've installed Linux Mint 7 on it and configured it to twin screen (Two Dell 1907FP LCDs). Everything worked as advertised from a software perspective and the desktop appears to be stretched out to 2506x1024 and I can drag windows off the screen as if they were going onto the second screen. So alls great except, the second screen won't wake up. It says it's in powersave mode. I've swapped the screens, cables etc and the problem moves to the other screen. So the hardware seems to be just fine. Google told me that if I disabled desktop effects it would fix it, and also provided an alternate xorg.conf, but neither worked.

Any cluesticks?



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