The point about shells has already been made, but some people have got a bit 
sidetracked.  Shells are command-interpreters; they mediate between the user 
and the kernel.  Applications in Unix, as has already been said, get to run 
because a shell is spawned by the fork() system process.  This is as true for 
GUI applications as for command-line text ones. 

KDE, which I am using now, gets going on my distro with a "startx" 
shell-script.  The name may vary from system to system, and you are encouraged 
to hack the basic script so as to customize it and have it run more smoothly.  
Without the shell-script, KDE would not run.

If you do a grep '#\!\/bin\/sh" of, say, "/usr/bin/" you will find:

a) Many shell-scripts (circa 200 on my system).

b) That the string is embedded in many more binary images, because  fork() 
spawns a shell by splitting to get the process going (roughly speaking).

Without a shell of some kind, therefore, a user of applications would be, 
effectively, dumb and blind.  You wouldn't even be able to access, on the fly, 
data produced by the kernel, which, to continue the metaphor, would be under a 
24-hour lock-down in an isolation cell.

Whether you use GUI applications or text-based ones is a matter of preference, 
and is determined by what you are trying to do.  I do a lot of writing up, and 
am quite happy using "emacs" in a virtual text terminal, since it's bigger than 
Xemacs.  I also do a lot of text-formatting, and for this I use the virtual 
terminal for the writing and markup, and "xdvi" or some PS/PDF viewer for 
looking at the results.  The virtual terminals in Linux suit this kind of 
operation perfectly.  Writing code is, I find, also easier on a command-line 
terminal, unless, of course, the code is for driving some kind of graphics 
interface; even then, first you've got to get the stuff to compile.

Anyway, Linux has both.  And arguments about Holden versus Ford don't tend to 
get you anywhere, unless the current model of one make is really off.

When I started using computers, electrical engineers in a university department 
that specialized, of all things, in image processing thought bitmap screens, in 
particular, and graphics, in general, were a bit of a joke.  In one sense, how 
wrong they were!  In another, their principal problem was how to process data 
from a radio telescope and displaying the results prettily was the least of 
their problems.

Malcolm Johnston
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