Dean Hamstead <> writes:

>> From what I hear they are proprietary and their technology is not
>> routable. I prefer to stick to an open standard, preferably something which
>> comes as part of CentOS 5.
> ATAoE is l2 protocol so no its not routable

...unless you package it in MPLS, or L2TP, or some other technology designed
to route layer 2 packets; various people I know who use production ATAoE swear
by this strategy.

> but ATAoE is a published standard and the drivers are in the kernel since
> 2.6.11.

*nod* I won't offer an opinion on ATAoE myself, but I can say that concerns
about the protocol compared to iSCSI are less than compelling to me.

Now, having only a single vendor, that might worry a body.


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