Hi Jake,

Thanks for the quick response. I went through the syslog file and couldn't find anything weird. Upon searching through other forums I found that in the /etc/fstab file a tag had been added:

UUID=147ae6d1-e380-42cd-9471-66882c374580 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-rw 0 1

So I just took out the errors=remount-rw and it works a treat.

Thanks again


Jake Anderson wrote:
Scott Waller wrote:
Hi Fellow Slugger,

Sorry for kinda dissapearing this year, just had some stuff on, and I am currently in the US.

I really need someone expert help.

I have a new setup on a laptop. It's a very nice Dell Precision M4400. I have been running Ubuntu 9.04 for 3 weeks now with no problems.

This morning I went to boot up my machine and got a weird gdm message "Could not start the X server....due to some internal error"

The only way I can boot into X is to do the following...

sudo mount -o remount, rw /

then I can run

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

I get a message that there is already a session of X running blah blah, I say yes to start a new one and then I am in.

I have to kill whiptail once I start as the CPU is going nuts...

I am in the US working, i have a big next 4 days of training and would like to have my machine working.

I am currently doing a backup of my home directory and seriously thinking about doing an online upgrade to 9.10

Your help is really appreciated.

your file system is being mounted read only, you need to solve that problem first.

edit the kernel command in grub and delete the bits about silent and graphical then look at whats going on.
if nothing jumps  out there look through syslog

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