Terry Dawson wrote:

> Mike Andy wrote:
> > this is completely off topic but you'd know if you used facebook that
> > when those changes went through the users were prompted upon login
> > that security settings were changed. For the users that clicked
> > through those prompts without reading or customizing anything, they
> > got the defaults.
> > 
> > it's not as if Facebook changed the settings without telling the users.
> .. and further, they nagged users about the fact that they were going to 
> do it for at least two weeks before-hand.

How? Messages when they logged into Facebook? Was there a tick box
that said "Yes, I understand the implications of these changes"?

What if someone wasn't able to log into Facebook between when the
warnings started and the change was made (sick on vacation, whatever)?
Did they send emails?  Did they require an acknowledgement email saying
"Yes, I understand the implications"?

Erik de Castro Lopo
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