On Sun, 2010-02-14 at 20:04 +1100, James Gray wrote:
> On 13/02/2010, at 11:42 AM, Ken Foskey wrote:
> > I use a simpler approach and to some extent more flexible.
> > 
> > I create a script in a known directory,  for
> > example /usr/sbin/run_copy.sh.  I then only authorise the admin group to
> > run  only that specific script.  This keeps complicated command lines to
> > a minimum.
> > 
> > The run_copy command might for example do a tar of the specified files.
> > You can then pipe that tar across the link to the recipient system. I
> > would write another script to untar into a working set, verify the copy
> > somehow then install it using another script.
> > 
> > visudo add this line 
> > 
> > #  allow admin group to run the rsync script
> > %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/run_copy.sh
> Hi Ken,
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately this incurs the penalty of copying 
> everything, every time (unless I missed something).  Hence the desire to use 
> rsync.  I guess if I didn't do anything "special" (like encrypting) the tar 
> ball, rsync could still handle the deltas with a certain degree of 
> efficiency, but it would mean doing an update on the tar file each time.  
> Total data requiring synchronisation is approx 12GB, every 15-30min...that's 
> a heck of a lot of I/O and network bandwidth if rsync doesn't do a stellar 
> job.  I also noticed a "--super" option in the rsync manual, but I don't 
> really understand how this works or what it achieves.
> On the upside, I've had an e-mail discussion with the notoriously suspicious 
> "Security Team" and they have agreed (in principle) to relaxing the "no 
> remote root login" by allowing the use of "PermitRootLogin   
> Forced-Commands-Only" in sshd_config coupled with the method described here 
> http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html - sanity and sensibility prevail.
> Now to go through the motions of change control and security approval.  Ugh.  
> Why is nothing easy? :(
> Thanks for all the input people.
> Cheers,
> James

You can still use rsync.  You just write rsync command in the script as
per above.


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