On 14 Jan 2017, at 14:44, Peter Kelm wrote:


Somehow I recall that zeroing the disk would not suffice. See:

Heh, I'm looking at that same page myself.

In particular, import and destroy whatever zone was on that disk before…

You might need to boot with the „noinstall“ boot option by selecting the corresponding line when GRUB is displayed.

From some notes I made back in 2015

See if there is an existing pool:

zpool list


zpool status

if the pool zones exists:

zpool import zones
zpool destroy zones

and I rebooted at that point.

With only one disk, SmartOS might not know what to do. Don't be afraid to go the manual configuration route. Here's what I did manually with two disks:

zpool create zones mirror c0t0d0 c0t1d0

Note that since release 20161222T003450Z the disk numbering appears to have changed. What I see now are disks starting at c1t0d0.

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