Sebastian Reichel a écrit , Le 04/12/2009 00:59:
> On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 12:38:03AM +0100, Gilles Filippini wrote:
>> arne anka a écrit , Le 03/12/2009 23:03:
>>>> Doesn't work out of the box here. Zhone says:
>>>>  Failed to read authentication status
>>> yeah, common issue.
>>> just start zhone over again. and again. after a while it will catch on.
>>> my personal best is 5 times so far.
>> It's even worse. I need to restart several times both frameworkd +
>> zhone, and it may - rarely - catch on.
>> I don't have this problem at all with my old frameworkd.conf (attached)
>> for which I need maximum 2 tries at launching zhone (when I don't wait
>> enough after [re]starting frameworkd).
>> Thanks,
>> _Gilles.
>> [ogsmd]
>> # choose your muxer, available types are: gsm0710muxd [default], fso-abyss
>> ti_calypso_muxer = fso-abyss
> Can you try fso-abyss with the new provided configuration? Currently
> it still uses gsm0710muxd as default.

Already tried before. Actually I did try to narrow the problem, without
success so far.

Attached is one of my last new configuration attempt (failed), where
fso-abyss is selected as ti_calypso_muxer.


version = 1
log_level = WARNING
#log_to = file
log_to = stderr
#log_to = syslog
log_destination = /tmp/frameworkd.log
persist_format = pickle
rootdir = ../etc/freesmartphone:/etc/freesmartphone:/usr/etc/freesmartphone

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
# poll capacity once every 5 minutes
# (usually, you do not have to change this)
capacity_check_timeout = 300
# set 0 to disable FB_BLANK ioctl to blank framebuffer
# (if you have problems on Openmoko GTA02)
fb_blank = 1

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
# set directory where the alsa audio scenarios are stored
scenario_dir = /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios
# set default scenario loaded at startup
default_scenario = stereoout

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# don't read from accellerometers for GTA02
ignoreinput = 2,3
# configure timeouts (in seconds) here. A value of 0
# means 'never fall into this state' (except programatically)
idle = 10
idle_dim = 20
idle_prelock = 12
lock = 2
suspend = 0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
# don't read from accellerometers for GTA02
ignoreinput = 2,3
# format is <keyname>,<type>,<input device keycode>,<report held seconds in 
addition to press/release>
report1 = AUX,key,169,1
report2 = POWER,key,116,1
report3 = USB,key,356,0
report4 = HEADSET,switch,2,0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0

# disable accelerometer since it uses LOADS of CPU resources
disable = 1
accelerometer_type = gta02

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
# choose your modem type, available types are: ti_calypso, freescale_neptune, 
singleline, muxed4line, option, ...
modemtype = ti_calypso
# if you have a ti_calypso, you can choose the deep sleep mode. Valid values 
are: never, adaptive (default), always
ti_calypso_deep_sleep = never
# if you have a ti_calypso, you can choose the dsp mode for audio enhancement. 
Valid values are:
#    "short-aec": Short Echo Cancellation (max)
#    "long-aec":  Long Echo Cancellation (max)
#    "long-aec:6db": Long Echo Cancellation (-6db)
#    "long-aec:12db": Long Echo Cancellation (-12db)
#    "long-aec:18db": Long Echo Cancellation (-18db)
#    "nr": Noise Reduction (max)
#    "nr:6db": Noise Reduction (-6db)
#    "nr:12db": Noise Reduction (-12db)
#    "nr:18db": Noise Reduction (-18db)
#    "aec+nr": Long Echo Cancellation (max) plus Noise Reduction (max) [default]
#    "none": No audio processing.
ti_calypso_dsp_mode = aec+nr
# choose your muxer, available types are: gsm0710muxd [default], fso-abyss
ti_calypso_muxer = fso-abyss

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
# possible options are NMEADevice, UBXDevice, GTA02Device, EtenDevice
device = GTA02Device
# possible options are SerialChannel, GllinChannel, UDPChannel, FileChannel
channel = SerialChannel
# For UDPChannel the path defines the port to listen to
path = /dev/ttySAC1

# set 1 to disable a module
# you need to disable ousaged if you want to use the new implementation: 
disable = 1
# choose whether resources should be disabled at startup, at shutdown, always 
(default), or never.
sync_resources_with_lifecycle = always


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
rootdir = 
log_level = WARNING


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
rules_file = 
log_level = WARNING




# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
contacts_default_backend = CSV-Contacts
messages_default_backend = SIM-Messages-FSO
calls_default_backend = SQLite-Calls
dates_default_backend = SQLite-Dates
notes_default_backend = SQLite-Notes
tasks_default_backend = SQLite-Tasks
contacts_merging_enabled = 1
messages_default_folder = Unfiled
messages_trash_folder = Trash
sim_messages_default_folder = SMS
rootdir = 


# a list of time/zone sources to use or NONE
timesources = GPS,NTP
zonesources = GSM
# use an ip address here, otherwise DNS resolution will block
ntpserver =


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
lowlevel_type = openmoko


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