yeah, it doesn't really work for me (and I don't fully understand your instructions - clicking on the green button zooms, no option to click on the left, but maybe that's a 'still on Mojave' problem). I'm also using Spaces in complicated but viable ways. If anyone creates a way to have the two screen halves be truly independent, I can get one huge monitor (much easier on the desk!)


On 19 Nov 2020, at 21:47, 'Stephen Watson' via Sussex Mac User Group wrote:

You can easily have two apps or windows iPad style. Click on the green traffic light button and choose the left side then click on another window for the right side.

You may care to look at an app called Magnet on the Mac App Store which allows for easy setting of window sizes just by dragging windows or using a shortcut key.



You meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. ~ Carl Jung

On 19 Nov 2020, at 20:38, 'Jason Davies' via Sussex Mac User Group <> wrote:

I'm not;)

The current Intel Mac mini will do three monitors (the m1 only does two) so I'm thinking that will become an Apple Silicon Model at some point and perhaps retain that. I assume a Mac Pro (hefty hole in the budget for that) will support at least three. What I'll have to do is look into how much I should use adaptors/hubs and how much I should just also trade up monitors to newer ones. I also have a USB 2 displaylink kit which theoretically lets me run another monitor (so eg an iMac M1 might support a second monitor but displaylink would give me the third). It needs a decent CPU - running it on my work Macbook Air kills the machine.

I don't need great monitors, it's all text, but I need a lot of room (and my eyesight is gradually failing so I often have them at lower resolutions than 'recommended'). Most of the time I'm writing in one, consulting another and compiling/previewing output on the third. One buge monitor doesn't work, I spend all my time fixing window sizes (if only macOS could treat a large screen as two, subdivided, iPad style...)

PS one of the monitors, the one I'm reading this on, is the one I bought from you - vintage Apple display still going strong!

On 19 Nov 2020, at 16:03, Sam - MacAmbulance wrote:

Just a thought, how are you going to connect three displays to a MacBook Pro with 2 USB-C ports?
Sam Mullen

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On 19 Nov 2020, at 15:11, 'Jason Davies' via Sussex Mac User Group <> wrote:

As a misophone I'm fascinated at the prospect of a truly silent Mac. John Gruber has emphasised that even the 'with-fan' Macbook Pro is utterly silent. But I need three monitors so the M1 Mac Mini is sadly not going to work, so am waiting for the big guns (iMac and Mac Pro) to update.


" isn’t making even a whisper of noise.

No Intel-based laptop with vaguely comparable performance to these machines can possibly match that silence. If you care about noise, the game is already over."

You cannot believe how long I've waited to read that;)


On 19 Nov 2020, at 10:23, 'Steve Davies' via Sussex Mac User Group wrote:

Good point Tony, thanks.

On 18 Nov 2020, at 22:08, Tony Crooks <> wrote:

Apart from the £300 premium you might consider that the Air has no fan and the mini does. Therefore the mini more resistant to thermal throttling. Depends on how important portability is for your needs.

Tony Crooks
+44 7428 706227

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