I know what you are saying, but the guy was basically "saved" by Old Testament standards, then lost it during his extended years.
I also understand what you are saying in the last part, but if people have a will, that means they are still fallible and can fall away even after being "saved".

David L.

Ben Franklin:  “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters.”

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] The Prodigal Son

In a message dated 9/19/2003 4:21:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I can't remember the guys name in the old testament, and I know that was before grace, but I do believe he was told he was to loose his life one day, and he prayed to God and God granted him 15 years.  He would have died and gone to heaven that first time, but during that 15 years, he lost out and became wicked.  I tend to believe that can happen even in grace, people can become lax and slip back into sin.  If it was how Charles explained it, that when the Holy Spirit came in and we truly accepted it, that we could not be torn from it, then that would mean we would basically be perfect and our will would then be stripped from us forever more, never to "will" to be out of God's grace and will.  We would therefore become as the angels and be "forced" to live for God from then on.

was that hezekiah?    and on what you said i can see your point. but what im saying (or at least trying to lol)  is that basically God gave him more time there but he didnt have that whats the word im looking for    salvation something like that where he knew he had changed and become a child of God and had begun his christian walk thru Jesus.  that inner changing that comes with salvation. and i think once you really feel that  its not something you can just give up one day.  you know what i mean?  im never sure if im explaining what im thinking right.    especially after 7 hours on the phone with people who cant add in their checkbooks  lol

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