And.... that is how the situation *should* be handled....

On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 06:56 AM, Angela wrote:

That's what I was thinking. Most of these kids have never been made to sit still throughout a meal. Even when mine were younger and we went out to eat, if they started crying or misbehaving, I went outside with them so I didn't disturb anyone else.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 7:02 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Your Children Are Ugly

No kidding.  Besides, if she and her husband were doing their jobs the kids would be able to sit for an hour in a restaurant and eat.  Mine do.  Perhaps *she* is the problem.
Charles Mims

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 1:39 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Your Children Are Ugly

I get the point, but God I feel sorry for her stepkids.....this woman seems to hate kids.  This paragraph I found very enlightening "
If your little animal is so wild that he can't sit quietly in his seat while in a restaurant, then you need to leave him at home. My husband has two kids that are too wild to sit and eat for an hour straight, so we don't take them with us when we go out to eat. It really is a very simple concept. "
Notice she didn't say her kids, or her stepchildren, but "her husbands kids".......I've been a stepkid, and God I feel for her stepkids. They have the wicked witch for a stepmother...
And before someone says I missed the point, notice my first sentance......I got the point. But this just dripped hatred for kids......

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:24 PM
Subject: [Sndbox] Your Children Are Ugly

Your Children Are Ugly

I work in a 'family' restaurant. Apparently, since we have a multitude of high chairs, people assume that our nice, sit down restaurant doubles as a play place McDonald's. Very often, I can be heard musing to myself, "Why isn't anyone beating that kid?"

Did I mention that we're a SIT DOWN restaurant? With carpet on the floor and trendy alcoholic beverages that cost over $7? You would think that our customers would come in and realize that this is not an appropriate place to let your spawn crawl around on the floor under the booths grinding macaroni and cheese into the carpet and howling. You would think that the baby factories that come in would worry about their toddlers playing tag in isles where servers are carrying heavy, steaming hot plates.

They don't. And furthermore, if one of those hot plates were to fall and bash in the brains of their precious little spawn, they would sue us despite the fact that we are a restaurant, not a daycare.

One night, I was waiting on a table with 2 parents and 2 children who were actually sitting in their seats. I was considering myself awfully lucky until a 2-year-old from another table toddled over to my table, snatched some chocolate milk from one of the semi well behaved kids, and then proceeded to lurch on back to his parents.

The parents didn't even notice.

Obviously perturbed, I walked over to them and said in a sickly sweet voice, "While you were busy with your conversation, your child just stole chocolate milk off the table of one of my customers."

The woman doubled over laughing, "Oh my goodness! Isn't that funny?

No, it's not funny. It's not cute. It's incredibly rude and disrespectful. Furthermore, it could have been completely prevented had you been watching your child like you were supposed too. I looked pointedly over to my table hoping that she would notice that my customers were not in the least amused. This woman STILL didn't get it. I wanted to dip her head into a bowl of battery acid.

This big group of Spanish people came into our restaurant another night with about 8 little animals. Oblivious, they got drunk while their kids sprinted though the restaurant, jumped onto random booths, and even ran into the kitchen and came VERY close to dipping their pudgy little fingers into the fryer. Repeatedly, my manager intervened and told the kids that they MUST stay in their seats. No dice. I spent the night wondering how I could push one over and hurt them badly while making it look like an accident. By the time the little monsters had finally left the restaurant, the other paying customers were so annoyed, that my manager had to buy them ALL free dessert to make them happy again.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is: If your little animal is so wild that he can't sit quietly in his seat while in a restaurant, then you need to leave him at home. My husband has two kids that are too wild to sit and eat for an hour straight, so we don't take them with us when we go out to eat. It really is a very simple concept.

I don't find your kids or their behavior particularly cute. In fact, I think your kids are hideously ugly. Your children are whining, crying, rude, nasty, deformed looking little brats that smell like shit and are in serious need of a good, sound beating. I would brutally murder your children and tack their dried skins on my wall as a trophy if I could get away with it. Trust me.

Do you really want someone like me bringing your kids chocolate milk? No?

Then leave them at home.

Charles Mims


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