There are exceptions to everything. My parents were strict. I didn't  count the days til I was 18 and could fly the coop.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jen --
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:15 PM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] My stance on underage drinking

Well, I guess you have to find a middle ground. Most kids I know that had strict as can be parents flew the coop as soon as they could and paid dearly fr it. The ones that had parents they felt they could go to in times of trouble, they were the ones that did better once they were out in the 'real world'
Btw, Im speaking strictly on observation and experience, not commenting at all on you individually. :-0)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bethany
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:10 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] My stance on underage drinking

I will never turn the other cheek while my kid does something not only illegal, but bad for their health and well being.
What is that teaching them other than the moral code doesn't mean shit.
Sure, go ahead and break the law since you are going to do it anyway? Huh? What kind of thinking is that?
----- Original Message -----
From: Jen --
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] My stance on underage drinking

Welkl, alot of parents have the opinion that if they are going to do it, i might as well let them do it in the house, where I know they are safe. I agree, she should have been lecturing him and whatnot for the smoking. But on the same hand, most teenagers are going to do it weather they have permission or not.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bethany
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:06 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: [Sndbox] My stance on underage drinking

well, I know alot of kids who wanted to please their parents. Not get their wrath.
Also, I don't agree to allowing underage children in your home and serving them alcohol. Not only is it illegal and you could be arrested for it. What exactly is it teaching them?
That you don't approve of them drinking out somewhere because they might drink and drive? But as long as they do it in the safety of your home, it's all hunky dorey?
My husband's mother told him he could smoke but not in her house. What exactly did she do to help him? Not a damn thing..she hurt him. Now he is 35 years old and smokes almost 2 packs a day. Maybe if she had tried to educate him or even just make his life pretty damn hard to get any smokes in..he wouldn't have developed such an addiction to it. He was a teenager and she basically threw her hands up and said WTF?
She did the same thing with her youngest and he turned into a dreg of society...all because she didn't want to say no until it was too late.
----- Original Message -----
From: Angela
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] My stance on underage drinking

Ok, I'm just using the way my parents did things and the way my husbands parents did things. No matter what I did, my parents punished me, even if I was trying to do the right thing. If I had called them and told them I was drunk and needed a ride home (which is btw what they always said to do) I wouldn't have gone out ever again. Even when they always said if I ever wanted to be put on birth control pills to come to them. I went to them....what happened. I was grounded for 6 months. My husband would call his parents and tell them he couldn't get home and they would come pick him up and he might be grounded for one weekend but that was it. Usually not even that much. But b/c he knew he didn't have to hide it, he honestly never drank that much when he was out. I on other hand, did everything I could just to spite my parents for saying one thing then doing another. I swore I would never be that kind of parent. Hell my aunt has a 19 y/o daughter and from the time she was 16, my aunt told her that if she wanted to drink or if any of her friends wanted to drink that they could do it at her house. She informed the parents of the other kids of this and they would all come in and give my aunt their car keys and stay the whole night. B/C they were able to do this, they hardly ever did it. Most of the time when teenagers drink it's b/c they know their parents wouldn't approve and most try to do anything they can to piss off their parents just to spite them. To this day, my cousin has only been drunk twice in her life and both times were at her own house under supervision. And before you say anything, my aunt did this b/c her best friend in high school was killed by a drunk driver, her own boyfriend that she got in the car with. If you know they are going to do it, isn't it better to make sure they do it safely.


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