I suppose you are partially correct.  Facisism and socialism aren't necessarily intertwined.  I don't think Nazism was really socialism though.  I would say that Nazism ran closer to Marxism than socialism (and yes I do realize they are all kissing cousins), or even had more in common with Lenin's communism than in what socialism is defined as *today*.  All these isms were popping up everywhere, particularly during that time frame.  Yet the beliefs that make the foundations of them go back eons as theories.
In theory at least the government (whether fascist or not) in a socialist economy is benevolent and again in theory has the best for the citizens at heart.  I don't think that theory can ever come to pass given the nature of man....
Perhaps it is simpler to say Hitler was a Nazi, because Nazism bundles up the unique economic system of Germany during his reign, and Germany's governing bodies during the same period.
Still, these nuances aside, the socialism embraced by the modern democratic party in the US is a far cry from the actions of Germany under Hitler.  It's still an untenable system, as socialism breeds contempt and inept workers.
Capitalism and a free market economy is the only sustainable economic system.  It works best within a democracy.  While socialism and communism thrive in a totalitarian government.
Charles Mims

From: Lowell R. Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 5:01 PM
To: List Sandbox Main; List Sandbox Yahoo
Subject: [TheSandbox] Re: [Sndbox] Were Hillary's Words Treasonous?

Charles wrote:
Hitler wasn't a socialist, he was a facist.  Hillary may be all of the things you describe below, and I happen to agree with you on what she stands for.  I just don't think that comparing her to Hitler is a fair comparison.  Saddam was Hitler-like, but Hillary is just a liberal....not a genocidal maniac.
What do you think fascism is, Charles?  It's national socialism, an economic system in which government and business collaborate.  Genocide is not an intrinsic feature of national socialism; rather, that was used in Germany as the motivational glue to keep popular support for the government intact by scapegoating a disliked minority.

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