Yep you answered that yourself. No one knew how good a stud he was until his first foals raced.
Up until then people only knew that he was a very good race horse.

No one has ever proven that heritability of running talent is anymore than a 50/50 proposition
between the sire and dam. I do believe that for every trait one chromosome is given from both
parents and some individuals are carrying two dominant genes in that DNA slot and therefore
always put their "best foot forward", so to speak. Did that make any sense?

Okay, I believe that. But when was this discovered? Not with Northern Dancer himself, apparently; was it after his first offspring were 3–5 years old and had raced themselves?

How much of a racehorse's attributes can be attributed to the sire and how much to the dam? Ordinarily, it could come from either side with roughly equal probability, unless one of the (un)favorable traits is somehow sex-linked.

Best wishes and God bless,

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