In line.

On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 07:39 AM, Bethany wrote:

1) Why do men always grope themselves, especially in public?

If you think we do it a lot while in public you should see how much we
do it when no one is looking. The answer is because sometimes we
have to rearrange the equipment.
2) Why do you always speak to women's breasts?

It is a way of evaluating a woman's femininity and her possible abilities as a mother.
It is not a conscious behavior... It can't be helped.
3) What does it mean when men say, "I'm just not ready for a relationship right now" or "I don't want a girl friend?"

I means that you are not the right one.

4) Why do men find blond bimbos so attractive?

Nature..... hormones.... Why do women find older, well dressed, rich guys attractive?
5) Why do men act like they own the remote control?

In some cases it is because they bought it.

And why can't you stay on a  single channel longer than 2 seconds.

We haven't found the right station yet.
6) Why do you guys always assume it's "that time of the month"?

Because you are so crabby all the time.
7) Do you guys fake orgasms?

8) Why do you name your nether regions?

Because they sometimes appear to have a life of their own. If you treat it poorly
or ignore it .... it may let you down when most needed.
9) Why can't men admit that other men are attractive?

Because that would mean that we might be a fag.
10) Why don't men stop to ask for directions?

Because men always know where they are going.
If you are married or in a committed relationship,
what the single most annoying trait your wife or SO has?

Asking questions that will get you into trouble any way that you answer.

And is it something you nag her about on a regular

Only fools pick a fight with a woman... silence is golden.

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