<[>>Charles<<]  I prefer red-headed bimbos.>
9) Why can't men admit that other men are attractive?[>>Charles<<]  Attractive means "attracted to", aint no self respecting man going to admit to be attracted to another guy.  That's just gay.>

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Friday's Questions: For MEN Only

1) Why do men always grope themselves, especially in public? [>>Charles<<]  It's not groping, it's rearranging.  It happens most often when a particularly nice specimen of the opposite sex walks buy. 
2) Why do you always speak to women's breasts?[>>Charles<<]  Hoping for an invitation? 
3) What does it mean when men say, "I'm just not ready for a relationship right now" or "I don't want a girl friend?"[>>Charles<<]  It means you don't measure up.   
4) Why do men find blond bimbos so attractive?[>>Charles<<]  I prefer red-headed bimbos. 
5) Why do men act like they own the remote control?[>>Charles<<]  Like Tim said....they bought it! 
And why can't you stay on a  single channel longer than 2 seconds.[>>Charles<<]  You might miss something on another channel. 
6) Why do you guys always assume it's "that time of the month"?[>>Charles<<]  Because that time lasts for 3 weeks, it's easy to lose track. 
7) Do you guys fake orgasms?[>>Charles<<]  Sure, and we carry a tube of gel to squeeze when we do it. 
8) Why do you name your nether regions?[>>Charles<<]  What's the problem?  We name yours too. 
9) Why can't men admit that other men are attractive?[>>Charles<<]  Attractive means "attracted to", aint no self respecting man going to admit to be attracted to another guy.  That's just gay. 
10) Why don't men stop to ask for directions?[>>Charles<<]  Men don't get lost. 
If you are married or in a committed relationship,
what the single most annoying trait your wife or SO has?
[>>Charles<<] Right.... 
And is it something you nag her about on a regular
[>>Charles<<] Right..... 


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