My moms was crushed when they canceled Another World too. I watched it a few
times when it first came on SoapNet, but its too slow paced for me back in
the seventies. Lol.

I don't watch much tv either, have to be in the right mood. Thats why I use
the Tivo like box constantly. :-0) No commercials and don't have to sit at a
certain time and watch if I don't feel like it.

Ive watched for about 10 years now I guess, since I was in high school. I
hate what they are doing to it, but Ive watched it so long, I just cant
stop. Lol. 

Jen --

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:17 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Nother Question of Day

In a message dated 1/15/2004 10:50:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Do you still watch General hospital ?
Hi Jen!

Yes and no - I got hooked a few years after they cancelled what I considered
"my" show, Another World.  The only way I can watch soaps is on Soapnet,
since I am not home during the day. I  tried taping them, but I hardly ever
get time to sit and watch TV, that's why I loved Soapnet's weekend
marathons, cause then I could have GH on and do something else, rather than
making time to watch a tape, LOL.  

Anyhoo, they are yet again moving the GH marathon, and I am not sure it will
be on when I can see it, so I may have to stop watching it.  I also am SO
not liking it lately because I think they are doing really stupid things,
like firing Kin Shriner, and making Sonny and Carly cheat on each other.
How about you, LOL, do you watch?  Luckily, even though they took off
Another World when I could see it during the day, they are still having it
on weekends, thank goodness.  At least I can watch that one!


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