>     I have been flying lately and having problems with my contacts. ( it
>actualy cost me to zero a round at the nats as a contact dried and moved...

>...have decided to make the investment in self-adjusting (tinting)
>lenses. Anyone have a reccomended tint to use or brand. Not worried...
>Bruce Martin

I don't wear contacts, but I sympathize.  I have my own unique impairment of
vision (random scattering of tiny blind spots of the retina) and need to
maximize what I have.  I asked around a lot -- both pilots and
optometrists --  to come up with the following that works well for me.  I'll
mention first that I dislike Photo-Gray darkening lenses as well as the
yellow tinted goobers.

I choose an Rx for the lense purposely just slightly stronger than what
would normally be prescribed in order to really sharpen distant images.  I
also selected Polaroid lenses, as the really darken up the blue sky making
the haze of incipient thermals easy to see and by tilting my head a little I
can "lighten" up the sky so it shillouettes the plane with better contrast.
The polarizing material has a very light gray tint by itself, and to this I
add a lense tint of the lightest shade available.  Together it provides just
enough light blocking to avoid having to squint but lets lots of "data"
(light waves) through for highest resolution.  The polarizing also protects
eyes against UV, which many standard types do not.  A second feature of the
minimal tinting is just a theory of mine, but it hasn't seemed to hurt:  The
light coming through the minimal tint contracts the pupil to a much smaller
diameter and (theoretically) improves the sharpness of focus and depth of
focus field.  They are the best flying glasses I've had to date.  Cost --
about $325.

Dan deVries
Product Design --+-- Patent/Litigation Graphics
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