Hello People,

Well, it's official, Sky Harbour goes Dynamic.  I flew my new Mickey
Crowley Hollow Molded Velocity yesterday at Sky Harbour and really had it
moving.  It was making that wicked sound that says "Hey, I'm hauling some
serious butt."  I didn't try any lead because the wind was only blowing
about 8 knots.  I had concerns that the lift on the front side wouldn't
support ballast.  The ride was very rough back there.  The turbulence would
occasionally flip the airplane inverted in the blink of an eye.  It was
quite scary

The question I have is;  Can I expect ballast to smooth the airplane's ride
thru the turbulance?  I know that higher wing loadings provide a smoother
ride in full scale airplanes and am wondering if carrying lead in my DS
ship will help to make the airplane more controllable in turbulence.  What
do you DS guru's think?  What dynamics are involved in adding lead during

Timothy E. Cone
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