At 01:28 PM 11/28/99 -0800, GRW wrote:
>I have an old Monarch, finally got it in the air, first flight was ok
>but it dove towards the end of the flight, like it ran out of elevator.
>I readjusted more throw, and tossed it again, begin and mid flight
>looked great then all of a sudden it dove out of control, like it
>stalled.  Now in the second flight I made sure I kept my airspeed up and
>I couldn't pull out and miss the pole I tagged, broke the fuse in the
>back, no biggie easily repaired.  Any ideas or does this sound like a
>stalling problem?

I'll assume you have the CG setup at the recommended location in the 
plans,  it sounds like you were not flying it fast enough.

>I am thinking I"m going to have to get a newer
>lighter plane, I really have to keep this one moving.

A lighter plane doesn't mean it's going to fly slower.  It has a lot to do 
with airfoil on how fast a wing has to fly.  I don't think a Monarch flies 
all that fast, but I've been flying HLG's for several years.

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