Hi All:
Does not the AMA have an option to opt out of taking the mag as part of membership ?? ...
Having built and flown all disciplines except RC Power, I can appreciate that people are concerned as to the direction the hobby is trending, i.e., 'foam meat packing tray' electric 3D airplanes ...
Gotta remember that kids today have no heroes other than rock stars and pro athletes - we live in a society that honors 'disposability' above craftsmanship - why build when you can buy ?? ...
I recently attended a local contest where the major task was to see how many times a pilot could 'bang' the rudder of their airplane on the ground before it broke off !! ... when asked, one of the competitors told me that when he broke his airplane, he'd just go buy another ...
Consequently, the hobby publications and the manufacturers see the handwriting on the wall and this is the direction the hobby/sport is moving towards ...
Go figger !! ...
Pepper Kay
AMA # 3937
LSF  # 3335

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