I see it now, the suggestions are going to keep escalating to higher-performing and more expensive planes. Forgetting that the user is going to be  a youngster  first-timer.  And suggesting slope oriented planes for thermalling seems weird to me.  Not that it's impossible, but because it makes little sense to me in the context of the target user.  Very inexperienced newbies I know of tend to need lightweight gasbag planes, and preferably poly ships that are as stable as possible.  You guys seem to forget that most of you are elite flyers and high performance ships are your normal stock in trade.  I work the lower end myself, and am quite happy with 2-meter  2-channel poly floaters with inexpensive gear. I think that that direction is a good one for beginners as well.  If you put an EPP nose on a Gentle Lady fuse and traded the GL wing for one with an EPP leading edge, carbon tube spar and main cores of styrene, I think you'd have my perfect trainer.

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