I have stayed out of this foray but will offer only one clarification. When you talk about the planes of yor, we all flew those. Today we all fly what is out there today so the competition is just as meaningful as it was 20 years ago.

It is not moldies against woodies but the playing field is still level. It is just as hard today as it was 20 years ago, in fact for me it is harder because age is catching up with capability.

BTW, got most of my LV wins with the woodies. Have needed the 8 hour for about 12-15 years and never had the desire to do it to complete the V.


On 9/6/06, Pat McCleave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Guys,

Here is my 2 cents worth on the topic.  First off, I am currently a Level III Pilot needing only my Goal and Return to complete Level IV.  I plan to continue under the current guidlines to strive to reach Level V.  I am going to do so because I have always felt like and still do feel like the LSF program is strictly a personal accomplishment program and always will be.  I have had to complete Level IV basically twice because I lost my original voucher with only needing to compete in one more contest to complete it.  Oh well, big deal it is all about the journey anyway and it was fun to do it all again.  I know for me to ever reach Level V,  I am going to have to travel and do so a lot to get there.  The deal is, you not only have to find the contests with 20 or more contestants you have to beat 19 or more of those contestants 3 times to complete your task.  I may never complete the journey, but I will never regret starting it and working my way along the path.  I have met many friends along the way and hope to meet many more before I am done.

With all that being said, I personally think there would be nothing wrong at all with some of the suggestions being made for a two tier system.  The idea of a two tier system will not change the overall accomplishment put forth by the program.  It will just give another program in which to persue.

The arguement of How Dare do you Change the Current System is every bit as outdated and and old as the arguement to change it.  I am sure glad that we did not all pose the same arguement when it came to new glider designs over the same time period that the LSF has been in existance.  If you are all so worried about protecting the accomplishment of those that came before us in getting to Level V then do the tasks with the same types of planes they used instead of the latest and greatest world beater molded plane.   Change is not always evil, and in most cases will promote growth, new interest, and even revives old interest.

Okay, I will step down and let the next guy have his turn at this.

See Ya,

Pat McCleave
Wichita, KS

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