> Pat McCleave wrote:
> Once again you are missing the point, it is not so much about changing the
current system > as it is about adding a separate system to the fold for
those pilots who do not choose or
> do not have the means to travel to the big contests in order to complete
the list of tasks.

Unfortunately ALL of this still misses the original intent of the contest
requirement.  The contest requirement was designed to bring flyers together
to compare skills, to promote the transfer of skills and information and to
INCREASE PARTICIPATION.  If you have a core group of pilots, as few as two,
who have even a minimal level of success, they can pass this success on to
others.  It's a synergistic thing that can rapidly grow to the point where
it's possible to have regular LOCAL contests with at least ten guys on most
any weekend.

These DO NOT have to be a blood and guts type of contest, merely an
opportunity to fly together, thereby learning from each other and improving
the overall skill level.  When the other local flyers see how much fun is
being had they will join in, even if they KNOW they have not a whisper of a
chance to win.  They are there because it's FUN.  And, this does not require
a $2,000 moldie and a $600+ computer radio - it can be done with a 'lowly'
Gentle Lady, Spirit, Aspire or HOB 2 x 4.

The REAL problem with all of this is that it takes a little effort by each
individual to promote soaring, taking time away from each individuals flying
time.  Realizing that many are not willling to put forth this effort is one
of many reasons we are suffering the lack of participation in soaring.

> Perception plays a very big role in things.  We really need to keep that
in mind.

Consider the answers to the following two questions.
    Why do you want to work through the levels of the LSF?
    What do you/we gain if there is a separate advancement scheme?


Jim Porter
Johnston Iowa USA

"The airplane stays up because it doesn't have the time to fall."
     Orville Wright

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