So here is my take on looks...
Form follows function.....period.  The more you fly the gliders you like and identify the particular aspects of one vs. another design that you like and dislike, you tend to trend toward those favorable aspects.  You tend to see those aspects as right, correct, nice, pleasing, attractive, sexy,, well you get my point.  I should qualify that and say that this only applies if you care how it flies, and can really truly identify the aspects of a design that cause the favorable results.  I look at gliders the way the wind does up to a point.  I have aesthetic constraints that keep me wind guided eye from seeing the benefits of a pylon mounted wing for example, and sorry  Tom Kiesling but there is no way that I will ever think that the Mantis looks good even though it is truly form to function desgin.  My constraint circuits overloaded with that one... ;-)
Again, like the posts show, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [RCSE] Icon/High End
From: "B. Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, December 13, 2007 9:48 am
To: Daryl Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "soaring" <>

I know flying quality is important, but do they have to look so
ugly?? they all look like toothpicks with wings. What happened to the
looks like Graphite and such? Those are mush prettier planes. At
least the Supra looks good.

Can someone with "outside the box" thinking designs some better looking planes?


>You Icon drivers get so dern judgemental. If you saw both models up
>close, there is no way a High End could be mistaken for an Icon - the
>High End is pretty.
>I had the opportunity to fly the High End (Lousy name by the way), and
>it flies quite nicely. I'm on the list. But then, I'm on a lot of
>lists... ;-)

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