I have owned an XPS conversion for my 9303 for some time and used it at the  
SWC in my Woody, the same carbon fuse challenges apply to their system but not 
 much has been done by sailplaners to solve the install to make it work....
I'm new to the JR Spektrum systems so spending more time and thought on it  
right now....and like the rest of us, I've been nagging the experts with  
questions, so to minimize FAQ's I'll keep sharing what I find out.:-)
I asked if there was a difference between a dedicated 2.4 9303 and  a 9303 
with a Spektrum 2.4 module, cuz you know....like all sailplaners I'm  cheap! :-)
I had heard some thing on the fields about one being faster or some such  
....so didn't pay much attention, but there really is a reason to get the  
dedicated 2.4 TX.
Take a look,
Integrated 2.4 has 2048  resolution and lower latency (faster response time) 
then the module system which  reads the PPM data stream coming off the pins 
into the module. With the module  the speed and feeling is the same as a PCM 
Also the integrated  X9303 gives you Model Match (model is linked to the 
model number in the tx so if  you’re not on the correct model it don’t work) 
Servo Sync (data stream is  changed so servos on the same surface receive data 
at the same time: most  noticeable on heli collective and elevators on GS 
So there you go!  :-)

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