It would have to be altitude and time, and only one single motor run. I'd rather go straight for a thermal than straight up. It 's going to be tough for LSF to allow electric motors in a pure sailplane environment. Will need a new category. Just something more to go wrong with my plane. It might favor motor technicians.

(most people should ignore the following rant ; )
If LSF is going to change anything, it should be the contest thing.
The contest part is the toughest for all the new LSF people I've signed up. I signed up 8 people and only two ever got their level II because of contests. Now it's worse than ever to travel. Originally, most monthly club constests had enough people. Out here, it's several hundred miles of driving to find one with enough people for level II and III and way tougher for the last two. Keep it for level IV and V, but get rid of it for the lower ones and just add an equivalent like 6 ten minute flights in a row with a total score of whatever the average might be to win one of the club contests. You have the scores of those that got their levels. I bet a lot of the early V's had a lot easier job than the last ones. Heck have it a postal contest with witnesses.

----- Original Message ----- From: Jack Iafret
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re: Gordy- Logic without limits.....or I couild hae read the article in context:-)

If you all are really interested and bored to death in this lousy weather, you can go to

and read a ton of stuff about electric sailplanes and altitude limiting.

It will probably come in due time and I am trying to help that along, but as you will see from the thread on RCGroups it needs real organization. The LSF is the SIG for electric sailplanes but I am not sure the new officers know that yet and what a bag of worms they own.

There is a core group of us working the issue (not as hard as we should be) trying to come up with a logical plan to see if electric launched sailplanes are just the same as a hand launched sailplane or a winch launched sailplane or people towed sailplane. In other words, just another launch method to get to some almost common launch height to start looking for air.

If anyone one you "Pure sailplane pilots" want to help, bring an electric powered sailplane to the LSF Winch Launched Nats and either purchase a Zlog from Barry Kennedy or me (I will try to have several loaners there) and we will organize an after hours test using F3J rules. I would love to see 10 guys launching together and see what the Zlog is really capable of doing in a mock contest round or two.

Lets end the talk and do something together to get this discussion into some kind of real data to work from. As a group, I think we are the only ones who will benefit or loose from exploring electric launched sailplanes.

Have fun reading the RCgroups thread.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 10:16 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Altitude limiting device is a Z-log, I believe, and with that 500 ft is 500 ft. or whatever height has been selected and your time starts when the motor is shut off by the device. You timer is still using a visual connection to start the stopwatch just as it is with winch launching and when you land is now up to you, as it always is.

Regards, Dave Corven.

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Lincoln Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just read the article. To some extent, I find myself agreeing (did I


Jack Iafret
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