Regarding the ~accident~, word has it that although the guy was medivaced out 
with a helicopter, he only needed a couple of those NCSS "Scratch 'n Sniff" 
finger size Band-Aids and they released him from the hospital.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: Gordysoar ; 
  Cc: Hawg Wash/aka Chiken Little Hewett 
  Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 6:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re: Gordy- Logic without limits.....or I couild hae read 
the article in context:-)

  Like watching grass grow in dry weather?  I think not.
  No, even more boring than that, its more like reading the seemingly endless 
stream of mindless diarrhea like ranting by Gordysoar.  Thank the Lord for a 
delete key.
  Happy Fourth.
  Cliff Lindgren

  P.S.  Has anyone heard if the rumor that there will no longer be any glider 
racing at the Big Creek slope site true?  I guess it's because of the serious 
accident that took place during the last Man on Man race sponsored by the 
Northern California Slope Soarers.  I guess the owner doesn't want the 
liability.  I've even heard flying of any type might be banned forever.  What a 
shame.  Just another wonderful flying site lost.  I certainly hope the officers 
of the club and the Safety Marshall take a close look at their current safety 
rules before sponsoring another event.  Perhaps the land owners of their home 
slope should be made aware of the past accident and the possible liability they 
are exposed to.  I am extremely curious why the "Hush, Hush" attitude has been 
displayed by the NCSS.  Couldn't the whole soaring/racing community benefit by 
their telling all and informing the slope soaring community about the accident 
thereby taking action to avoid the possibility of another serious accident?  
No, it would seem "sweeping it under the carpet" is NCSS's current policy.

  ----- Original Message ----
  From: Gordysoar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2008 9:53:18 PM
  Subject: [RCSE] Re: Gordy- Logic without limits.....or I couild hae read the 
article in context:-)

  -why are the people who have no interest or participation in
  e-soaring events on any level-

  Doesn't take a lot of thinking here.  We are alotted just so many
  minutes of time to do our hobby each month.  We chose to spend them
  doing the kind of flying we like...there just isn't time or money to
  focus on more than one thing.

  When E 'soaring' comps turned into motor wars...the soaring guys got
  bored...if we were interested in motors and their components, we'd have
  stayed flying electrics or glow. But we have no interest in motors, or
  even radios...its the soaring that has us hooked, thermals to be exact
  and the endless hunt for them.

  The guys interested in motors, got excited about LMR because it played
  into their interests...a chance to over power the other competitors. 
  When the soaring guys like Bob got involved, the focus started leaning
  toward more difficult soaring tasks...and that bored the power guys.

  The few still involved (motor guys) are the ones who yelped the loudest
  when they assumed that the Zlog Alti Switch was going to butt into their

  IF they'd have actually read the article, they'd have seen that not one
  single soaring guy is interested in changing or affecting their 'hobby'.
  We are instead just looking at ideas for our possible doom (future of
  no winches, or land go set one up.)

  One more time thread mates, enjoy your LMR events, decide your own
  rules, have fun.  Power up and enjoy.

  No contest rules need to even be considered for the use of a Zlog Alti beepers or timers or anything else...because other than the
  test group that Jack is going to try this summer, there's no one
  planning on putting a motor in his sailplane soon.

  Why so little interest in Powered Soaring Events?  Because soaring guys
  aren't intersted in motors, batteries, props and gear boxes...and motor
  guys aren't interested in thermaling at a contest...kind of like
  watching grass grow in dry weather ;-).
  Chicago on the beach tomorrow

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