Might as well put in my two cents, which is worth the same two cents as
everyone else's two cents.  Compared to many of you, with decades of
experience, I am a relative newbie to RC flying ( 5 years ) and soaring ( 4
1/2 years ) I probably flew my first club contest 4 years ago and my first
Eastern Soaring League contest 3 years ago.

I think that Ben makes some good arguments for an expanded HLG/DLG presence
at the NATs.  As a member of a soaring club I observe that DLG soaring has
been growing fast among club members.  When I started, 5 years ago, there
were a couple of guys throwing the older design HLGs, but they were rare to
be seen on the field.   Their HLGs were more for their "off field" flying.

Today it is hard to make a visit to the field on the weekend when there are
not DLGs soaring toward the heavens.  And they are usually the same guys who
are launching winched planes.  DLG has just become an extension of their
flying enjoyment.

Our club has even changed our field layout and operational rules to make
room for the DLG crowd, a crowd that I joined last year.  I am still a "big
plane" guy, but the attraction of the convenience and the intimacy of DLGs
grows stronger.  And the lack of extra equipment is a big plus.

The Eastern Soaring League now has a separate series of DLG contests with an
ever growing number of participants.   We will have an ESL HLG contest at
our field this weekend.  We are no Polecat, with all the pageantry, but we
have 25 pilots registered.

I don't have national statistics or a world view of the DLG community, but
from within my own limited view, it would seem that the DLG community has
reached the point were a two day contest would be merited at the NATs.  I do
believe that there would be greater participation if the event were two
days.  As Ben suggests, I think it would rival some of the other categories
for participation.

Of course there is always the challenge of fitting in new events into the
schedule.  Do you extend the NATs or do you shrink some other event?  RES
participation really grew this year.  Some say it is the emergence of the
"modern" RES designs.  Others say it was due to a change in contest schedule
and sequence.  But that is for others to figure out.

BTW, I have never been to the NATs or any contest in Europe.  The Eastern
Soaring League contest series has been the limit of my "big contest"
experience.   But I am thinking I am ready for the NATs, perhaps next year,
time and finances permitting.

I think Ben made some good points.

Ed Anderson
A contest soaring newbie
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Subject: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.
> > From: Ben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Tue, July 29, 2008 7:15 pm
> > To: soaring@airage.com, LASS Soaring List
> > So y'all have probably heard my whining about the lack of 2 days of
> > handlaunch at the NATS, so let me pitch you my argument for it and for
> > better attention paid to handlaunch by soaring in general. This is the
> > product of a number of discussions I've had with a number of people
> > involved with soaring at different levels over the past couple of years,
> > so here goes:

+++++++ I deleted the rest for brevity ++++++++++++ Ed )

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