>Back a couple of years ago, there was a blue foamie type wing twist plane
>being promoted. Probably way out but maybe related to the Bob the chuckie

You're probably thinking of the Foameron.  It and Bob were both manufactured
by Joe Galletti under the company name of "Torque and Recoil Club".  As far
as I know, neither are being produced any more, as Joe and his co-shop-owner
partner are now concentrating on RC car racing.  If you're determined to
have one, I can get hold of Joe or Tony and see if they have parts laying
around to make you a kit.

Foam planes have come a long way since the Foameron.  You'd be much better
off getting an EPP whatever.  I'm currently flying a DAW P-51 that flies
better than the Foameron ever hoped to.  Floats better, is nearly as fast,
and simply flies much more honestly.  The F'ron was unique in that it didn't
use any glue, but it's day is passed IMO.

Hope this helps.

Austin, TX

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