
        One of the reasons I read RCSE is for the vendor bashing!  Remember,
I am a lawyer, and in that profession fully half (or more) of the
participants have to wind up being on the losing side, and therefore subject
to bitter criticism form their (often former) customers.  The legal
profession is subject to so much "bashing" that US Supreme Court Justice
William (the Hun) Renquist recently commented:

        "I used to begin speeches by telling a lawyer joke--about how greedy
or venal or dishonest some lawyer was.  I have stopped doing that.  The
lawyers in the audience didn't think they were funny.  And the non-lawyers
didn't know they were jokes."

        So it is nice to see somebody else bashed for a change.

        This is the same reason I go to the annual Heart of Ohio Jet
Scramble.  I go to see the ducted fan and turbine pilots smash up their
$5000 to $10,000 models.  It makes me feel better about dinging my $50 Gnome.

        So bash on guys.  It's good for my self esteem.


    Tom Nagel  new email addr    /O\    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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