Don A. writes:

>Don, unhappy people usually vote with their feet...

Unhappy vendors vote with their feet, too. I have no problem with bringing 
problems to light and getting them fixed. The problem I have here is a 
matter of degree and of attitude. I'm on several other forums as well, and 
with few exceptions they manage to get problems exposed and resolved 
quickly, efficiently and politely, and without weeks upon weeks of 
one-sided public floggings, and they do it without an immediate assumption 
of guilt and willful negligence with regard to the accused party.

If you've noticed a shortage of posts to this forum by me in recent months, 
it's because it's much more pleasant to invest my time in those other 
forums. I suspect there are other former and present members of RCSE who 
feel similarly. It is possible to resolve problems peacefully, and without 
vengefully attempting to make a public example out of someone.

If you verbally pin someone up against a wall and publicly threaten them 
with major harm, you can expect them to get defensive. That is usually not 
the most effective way to solve a problem or dispute. More importantly, you 
can also expect that any other innocent bystanders who observe you doing 
this will feel at least a little apprehensive about doing any future 
business with you. This is true regardless of whether you're a vendor or a 

Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech

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