He meant it too. 
>From the DJ Aerotech web site:

        Effective immediately (01-Jan 2002), DJ Aerotech will NO longer be
selling any of our current COMPOSITE based Sailplane Kits. The Includes our
Spectre series of kits, Wizard E, Monarch E and the Nymph. DJ Aerotech will
however continue to support the Roadkill series and the Chrysalis models.

        Again, we are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 2:39 PM
> Subject:      [RCSE] vendor bashing
> I've done my best to avoid having anything to do with the veritable deluge
> of vendor bashing threads on this forum recently, but I think there's one 
> issue that no one has brought up yet, and that I think I'm personally 
> qualified to address.
> Do you folks have EVEN THE FOGGIEST IDEA of what a CHILLING effect this 
> group's incessant obsession with public crucifixions of certain suppliers 
> can have on some of us other suppliers?

>  Now I just happen to have some killer ideas for some new HLG's, 2-meters,
> and a truly astonishing open class model sitting here in my computer. 
> However, I also have some really exciting electrics, some giant scale 
> models, and some other secret projects I don't even want to breathe a word
> about yet. There are undoubtedly other folks out there who also have ideas
> for what they believe will be wonderful new R/C soaring-related products. 
> Given the relatively awful profit potential of R/C sailplanes in even the 
> best of times (anyone foolish enough to believe otherwise should see my
> tax 
> returns for the last decade), and add to that (a "last straw" might be a 
> good characterization) the frankly shabby treatment of vendors that we've 
> all observed here among the R/C soaring community lately (as reflected on 
> this list), if you were in our shoes, just exactly where would you invest 
> your limited resources?
> This thread should have died WEEKS ago. It's time to move on.
> My $.02 worth. I now return you to your regularly scheduled flame wars.
> Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech
> http://www.djaerotech.com
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