this again is your "poor ole Oleg flying that thing called Taboo that just 
happens to be his original design and probably did not cost him $1800 to build 
and equip", as Pat McCleave nicely put it (thanks, Pat).

The following is a shameless plug for my new design Taboo (some may call it a 
product announcement), so feel free to skip this message right now.

If you are not extremely rich and want to save some money, then you may be 
better off getting some aerodynamics books and studying them (or taking some 
classes in the Aerospace department of the closest University), learning how to 
hot-wire the foam, how to vacuum bag nice wings and tails, making a few molds 
for the fuselage and then molding a couple fuses for yourself. After about 20-30 
planes you will be able to whip up a very nice HLG plane relatively fast (15-20 
hrs maybe). If you get really lucky you may not have to change the design 
considerably after the first test flights. If you are REALLY talented, it may 
even thermal very well, and not break after a few sidearm launches. If you then 
add up all of the expenses required to make those several nice HLG planes, you 
will clearly realize that the current HLG prices are an attempt to rip you off 
and you can make better planes on your own. The following information is not for 
you then.

If on the other hand your pockets are burning with extra cash and you don't 
think that paying $300+ for a good flying HLG kit is obscene, then keep reading. 
Because I already went through all of the above (except I wasn't THAT talented, 
I did have to change the design a few times before I got it right). And the only 
reason I went through it to get paid just $7-10/hr for my labor is because it 
brings me a great satisfaction to know that I can build a beautiful glider that 
also happens to fly very well, and that other people also think the same way, 
and they even pay me money to enjoy flying my plane.

Anyway, let me step down from my soapbox again (my head is still big). We all 
know it's the pilot, not the plane. But then again, if I could get 2nd place at 
IHLGF flying Taboo, almost anybody can do it. So, here is your chance to get 
your hands on one.

Taboo is available for you in a kit form. The kit is highly prefabricated, as we 
all expect them to be nowdays. The wings are blue foam, carbon spars and 45deg 
biased fiberglass skins. Wing comes cut into panels, bevels presanded to the 
correct angle. Fuselage is of the "flat" type, molded fiberglass with lots of 
carbon reinforcement. Feel free to stuff this baby into the ground or whip it 
around during discuss launches. There is no nose cone or separate nose part to 
lose (happened a couple of times at IHLGF to some of the best planes). Tails are 
contest grade balsa vac bagged with 0.75oz fiberglass - no warping, no assembly 
or covering required. Fin is installed, stab needs to be glued to the boom. 
Pushrods - 0.030" carbon rods in yellow Sullivan guide tubes. Guide tubes come 
installed in the fuselage. Assembly requires: 1) joining the wing panels and 
reinforcing with fiberglass strips, 2) installing wing attachment pegs and 
reinforcing for the wing bolt, 3) gluing stab to the tail boom, 4) gluing servos 
to the fuselage bottom, 5) installing pushrods. Total weight with 110mah nicads, 
Hitec 555, and HS-55 servos about 9oz. No "stinking" gyros required to get a 
good launch due to the correct vertical tail size.

I don't have the proper web-page up at this time, but will have it in the next 
several days. For now if you don't have any idea what it looks like, here is the 
page with pictures of the pre-production prototype plane that I created in 30 
min: http://www.geocities.com/olgol/taboo.html
Please let me know if it doesn't display on your browser (you may have to change 
the browser then...). The production plane has slightly different fuselage shape 
of the same general design, and about 2 times wider carbon spars.

The price as of now is $325 + shipping. Send you questions to me. As soon as the 
"official" web-page is ready I will announce it here.

Happy flying to y'all,

                                              _____    _____    __
                                             / ___/|  / ___/|  / /|
    Oleg Golovidov                          / /__ |/ / /__ |/ / / /
    Engineous Software Inc.                / ___/|  /__  /|  / / /
    www.engineous.com                     / /__ |/ ___/ / / / / /
    (919)677-6700 x107                   /____/|  /____/ / /_/ /
                                         |___ |/  |____|/  |_|/

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