>You might want to consider increasing the wingrod size.

I am.  The 1/4" size was chosen for weight considerations, and at best it 
was a "conservative" (read:marginal) choice.  I will use 5/16".

On my BoT-to-be, I used a 5/16" wingrod and strengthened the spar with 
carbon fiber, end-grain balsa webs and Kevlar wrap.  From calculations,  I 
estimate that these changes increased the winch load from about 20 pounds to 
80 pounds.

Thie in my "Phase II" KillerBoT (Phase I being dead stock).  Eventually I 
will have a Phase X KillerBoT that will take full-pedal zoom launches, float 
like a butterfly and sting like a bee, as well as be nice to children and 
dogs.  Hopefully my flying skills will catch up to the toy...  :)


>Subject: Re: [RCSE] spar-sizing calculations
>Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 19:26:12 EDT
>   You might want to consider increasing the wingrod size.  With my BOT, 
>with the increased spar buildup, I'm having a lot of trouble with my zoom
>launches.  The .25" wingrod just won't take it.  I've bent the one that 
>with it a few times, (10")and straightened it.  I went to a stainless steel
>one 12" long, two launches and it was bent.  Now this week I am trying a 
>music wire rod to see if it will spring back on it own.
>    Thermals
>   Jerry Miller
>   SOSS-Medford, OR

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