Well Barrett, how'd you like THAT speech?  I agree GW was not shining in the
beginning.  Indeed, I didn't think it possible for him to come across as genuine
and intelligent at all, ever.  But even I have to admit THAT was a good speech. 
Let's hope that this is a new and permanent side of GW we are now seeing.

To keep it on topic, the explosion of DS is my favorite thing this year.

-- James

Barrett Stridiron wrote:
> Grr.
> GWB instilled not a bit of confidence with his national address this
> morning. I came away from that speech angry, frustrated, and embarrassed for
> our nation. He looked like Curious George the monkey, blinking his eyes,
> appearing calm and collected, conveying not a bit of the menace I'm sure
> most of the nation was hoping for. I am ashamed and sad knowing that we have
> Bush as our LEADER. Hearing Bush's words, along with all of the other
> "leaders" who are supposedly representative of our nation, and seeing the
> members of Congress struggle through a staged rendition of "America the
> Beautiful" made me feel like I'm a citizen of a second-rate power.
> I think there's a big difference between appearing to be unaffected and
> looking like an idiot, and simply appearing to be unaffected, yet pissed off
> and deadly serious. Bush, with his constant eyeblinking, mispronouncement of
> simple words and linguistic stammering, made me feel embarrassed and SCARED
> for our country, and extremely angry on behalf of those who have fought for
> the "freedom" and "democracy" that Bush has promised to protect.
> Let's review some facts...
> W is an inexperienced leader when it comes to world affairs = TRUE
> W is probably scared, just like the rest of us = TRUE
> What kind of leader issues 2 min. prepared statements and refuses to "speak"
> with the nation during this crisis? I was all for "stand behind the
> President during our time of crisis" but this guy is a wooden puppet.
> Freaking Guliani makes him look like a fool.
> They won't let him take questions because all it is going to take is one
> fuxored remark to the press to permanently shake public confidence that
> Dubya is up to the job.
> *I* know Dubya isn't up to the job, but Cheney, Powell and the DOD are.
> All I want from Dubya is to do his speeches, read off the cue-cards and be
> reassuring.
> Then I want him to get out of the way and let the adults run the show.
> It is our RIGHT to question whether Bush can handle this situation; it is
> his JOB to prove he can.
> This is the end of an era - of American innocence and (hopefully)
> complacency. We've been giving (and given) plenty of lip service about what
> sort of a dangerous world it is. Well, this is about as rude of a wake-up
> call as it comes, short of a couple of backpack nukes (I guess Osama
> couldn't afford those.  Wonder if he invested in any dot-coms last year?)
> What does this all mean? I think a lot of my "lefty" friends are going to be
> bugging out about the rise of an American "police state" and about how a lot
> of personal freedoms will be compromised in the wake of these events. And to
> a certain extent, this will happen, but it's an inevitable compromise.
> Adolescence is over, folks. Time to grow up.
> What happened yesterday is the mild equivalent of someone walking into your
> house and torching your living room because you left your doors and windows
> unlocked. Feel violated? Oh yeah. Hopefully from now on, we'll start locking
> the doors and keep that Desert Eagle AE handy when greeting visitors.
> BTW: if you haven't given blood yet, DO IT.  Type O+ is critically needed;
> your single donation can help save up to three lives.
> To find out where you can donate, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.
>  -==- Barrett
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