
GWB instilled not a bit of confidence with his national address this
morning. I came away from that speech angry, frustrated, and embarrassed for
our nation. He looked like Curious George the monkey, blinking his eyes,
appearing calm and collected, conveying not a bit of the menace I'm sure
most of the nation was hoping for. I am ashamed and sad knowing that we have
Bush as our LEADER. Hearing Bush's words, along with all of the other
"leaders" who are supposedly representative of our nation, and seeing the
members of Congress struggle through a staged rendition of "America the
Beautiful" made me feel like I'm a citizen of a second-rate power.

I think there's a big difference between appearing to be unaffected and
looking like an idiot, and simply appearing to be unaffected, yet pissed off
and deadly serious. Bush, with his constant eyeblinking, mispronouncement of
simple words and linguistic stammering, made me feel embarrassed and SCARED
for our country, and extremely angry on behalf of those who have fought for
the "freedom" and "democracy" that Bush has promised to protect.

Let's review some facts...

W is an inexperienced leader when it comes to world affairs = TRUE
W is probably scared, just like the rest of us = TRUE

What kind of leader issues 2 min. prepared statements and refuses to "speak"
with the nation during this crisis? I was all for "stand behind the
President during our time of crisis" but this guy is a wooden puppet.
Freaking Guliani makes him look like a fool.

They won't let him take questions because all it is going to take is one
fuxored remark to the press to permanently shake public confidence that
Dubya is up to the job.

*I* know Dubya isn't up to the job, but Cheney, Powell and the DOD are.

All I want from Dubya is to do his speeches, read off the cue-cards and be
Then I want him to get out of the way and let the adults run the show.

It is our RIGHT to question whether Bush can handle this situation; it is
his JOB to prove he can.

This is the end of an era - of American innocence and (hopefully)
complacency. We've been giving (and given) plenty of lip service about what
sort of a dangerous world it is. Well, this is about as rude of a wake-up
call as it comes, short of a couple of backpack nukes (I guess Osama
couldn't afford those.  Wonder if he invested in any dot-coms last year?)

What does this all mean? I think a lot of my "lefty" friends are going to be
bugging out about the rise of an American "police state" and about how a lot
of personal freedoms will be compromised in the wake of these events. And to
a certain extent, this will happen, but it's an inevitable compromise.
Adolescence is over, folks. Time to grow up.

What happened yesterday is the mild equivalent of someone walking into your
house and torching your living room because you left your doors and windows
unlocked. Feel violated? Oh yeah. Hopefully from now on, we'll start locking
the doors and keep that Desert Eagle AE handy when greeting visitors.

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 -==- Barrett

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